Disability Organisations Joint Front
Let’s rise up together
2016 February – Ratification of UNCRPD in Sri Lanka 2016 as a result of continues lobby and advocacy efforts
2017 March – The submission of the first ever disability sectorial shadow report (the Universal Periodic Review) to the Human Rights Council in Geneva in 2017. As a result, the DOJF was accepted as the key stakeholder representing Persons with Disabilities by the Government of Sri Lanka and UN agencies.
2018 June – Series of discussions held between the Election Commission and the Disability Inclusive Elections in Sri Lanka – Technical Working Group (DIESL-TWG) to implement Disability Inclusive elections. As a result, a Form was distributed requesting details of the voters in order to collect more details of Persons with Disabilities. Similarly pilot surveys were also held in four provinces. The DOJF was the Secretariat for the DIESL-TWG and the President of the DOJF was the Convener during 2018-2020.
2018 June – Established video call facility for deaf persons to access the short coded Government Information Services (1919 Hotline) in the year 2021
2018 August – Included two milestones (burning issues of Disability) into the National Action Plan of ‘Open Government Partnership’ coordinated by the Presidential Secretariat with line ministries and CSOs, which was facilitated by Transparency International.
2019 February – Advocated to allocate Disability vehicle parking slots in the parliament premises which became a reality in the year.
2019 March – On the request of the DOJF, Two parliamentarians raised the issues of the Persons with Disabilities on the common stage of the budget speech of the Ministry of Social Services held on the 21st of March 2019. As a result, the proposed monthly deduction of Rs.100/- from the Rs 5000 disability allowance was withdrawn.
2019 March – At the request of the DOJF, the Speaker of the Parliament made remarks at an opening session of the parliament informing all MPs to abstain from using words that hurt the Persons with Disabilities and it is included in the Hansard.
2019 June – Advocated to allocate government funds to conduct an island-wide disability survey from the 2019 GoSL Budget and included disability as criteria to apply government funds from the GoSL budget.
2019 September – Raised issues of Persons with Disabilities at the Public Account Committee of the Parliament.
2019 October – The DOJF continuously lobbied with major political parties during the last presidential election in 2019 for the inclusion of disability related issues and to protect, promote and implement the UNCRPD in Sri Lanka. As a result, the DOJF provided necessary language and text to be included in policy manifestos of three leading political parties.
2020 January – DOJF was able to increase the number of representatives at the National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) as a result of the discussions held with the Minister of Social Services in 2019. NCPD is the national apex body in relation to disability related affairs.
2020 March – DOJF has been actively contributing for the formulation of Draft Disability Rights Bill (DDRB) in line with article 33 of UNCRPD. DOJS’s initial suggestions report was submitted regarding DDRB to the National Secretariat of Persons with Disabilities (NSPD) in 2020.
2020 April – During the COVID 19 lockdown a COVID Disability Emergency Center (COVID-DEC) was established by the DOJF. As a result of the continuous interventions, the Government distributed 5,000/- as a social relief to those who didn’t receive the Disability Allowance. Similarly, on request of the DOJF, NCPD distributed LKR 193,140/- to 49 Persons with Spinal Injuries to purchase medicine. Furthermore, advocated to telecast COVID related news in Sign Language via TV channels.
2021 September – Establishment of Focal Point to provide services for Persons with Disabilities in every state institution is an obligation under Article 33 of the United Nations Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities. As a result of continuous discussions with government, “Media Service Center for the Disabled” was established in the State Information Department which functions under the Ministry of Mass Media and Information and the main news broadcast of the Independent Television Network (ITN News) with sign language interpretations was started to ensure the right to information of the deaf community in Sri Lanka, in the year of 2021.
2021 October – The DOJF has been invited for ‘Civil Society Consultation on the ‘Draft Report on the Community Based Corrections System in Sri Lanka’ by the Ministerial Consultant Committee on Justice which was convened by Assistant Secretary General of Parliament in 2021. The DOJF is collaborating with National Democratic Institute (NDI) and Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) in preparing suggestions for the above report.
2020 December – The DOJF provided its disability-friendly suggestions to the new ‘Constitutional Drafting Committee’ with the inclusion of the rights of Women and Children with Disabilities, under the Ministry of Justice.
2021 April – As per the request of the the Election Commission, the DOJF was able to provide suggestions for its 2022-2025 Strategic plan regarding ‘Inclusive Elections’
2017 April – Establishing a sign language interpretation service Centre to provide Sign Language Interpreters support service in Colombo district service providers in government and private sector for visually impaired persons and deaf & hearing-impaired persons to assist in their day today requirements. We have been in operation since 2018.