Disability Organisations Joint Front
What We Do
Protect the Rights of Disabled
- Protection, promotion and advancement of rights of the Persons with Disabilities.
- Interventions for policy dialogue and policy formulation through lobbying.
- Work towards improving the social status and wellbeing of persons with disabilities.
- Developing and strengthening internal capacities of the member organizations.
- Advocating for social & economic opportunity for Persons with disabilities to lead an independent life.
- Promoting democracy and transparency in organizational operations and supporting strengthening member organizations to develop their organizational capacities.
- Raise awareness for the inclusion of Children & Women with Disabilities, in every sector as per the UNCRPD norms.
- MONITORING incidents and situations faced by Persons with Disabilities and intervene as necessary
- Explore networking opportunities with National, Regional and International Level DPOs and CSOs

Principal Activities & Projects
- Enhanced awareness on rights for persons with disabilities amongst authorities, decision makers and other stakeholders.
- Improved conditions for enactment of new disability rights bill and the ratification of UNCRPD.
- Improved preconditions for monitoring of enforcement of disability legislation, regulations, and policies through enhanced capacity of DOJF member organizations.
- Enhanced organizational, democratic and advocacy capacity of DOJF and its member organizations.
- Enhanced opportunities for training and education for persons with disabilities.
- Provide Sign language interpretation service.

Examples of Recent Activities
- Conducting discussions through print and electronic media in order to raise awareness of the general public, civil society and the government about the rights of Persons with disabilities with more emphasis on UNCRPD principles and norms
- Conducting Accessibility Audits with relevant stakeholders
- Lobby members of parliament regarding enactment of draft disability rights bill and ratification of UNCRPD Optional Protocol.
- Provide policy inputs for disability classification and categorisation along with definitions
- Formation and training of District Monitoring Committees designated for monitoring incidents and right violations of Persons with Disabilities.
- Publishing ‘Atha-Hitha’,bi-annual newsletter on disability, circulated among DPOs, Public Libraries, Schools, special schools, relevant government institutions and universities.
- Communicate with high level political, state officials and decision makers on policy level interventions for the inclusion of disability into the mainstream development process.